1)Don’t use the most common symbol
The design firm with a brain logo, environmental NGO with tree logo and the yoga studio with a lotus logo. We can all imagen of his/her business that picked literally the most obvious and un-creative possible logo.
The most important job of a logo designer is to show you business through you logo we have to pick logo that make sence so do not pick logo that look similar to other 100 of logo if you have IT company so chose like code or desktop logo
if you go out of your business like you have IT company and you use some random logo like panda or tree it not make any since use that one that show you business through logo.
2)Don’t pick the most common color for you logo
people musty use sky blue ,dark blue or red So, instead, go with a color for which you CAN make a justification of it. But, at the same time, it’s not the most obvious possible choice.
if you have a chocolate company and you use red or sky-blue color for logo that not make since you have to use chocolate color like brown that define his color
some people go out of color with his business like they have chocolate company they use blue or any other color that not make any sense so select that show your business color
3)Don’t make the logo too detailed & bold for your website header.
Your logo should be striking enough to shine on Times Square billboards, but way before that, it needs to work in your website’s 70px tall navigation bar on someone’s crappy old monitor.
The top 3 logo design best practices:
Use a symbol that tells a unique story about you (don’t use the most obvious symbol)
Use a color that you can justify, but isn’t the color your competitors all use
Make it simple enough to appear clear on a 60-70px website header (but also a Times Square billboard)